Upstix is an established block management service provider assisting right to manage, small and large developments & new build block services throughout our core areas of North Essex And South Suffolk. Our established services offer unrivalled standard of customer service where we will regularly visit the site and personally check that services and works are being completed to the desired standard. Our promise to you is that we will be the company you can depend upon on to manage your block’s needs efficiently and pro-actively with a personal hands-on approach.

Upstix block Management Team have core values that ensure we deliver the best services to our freehold and leasehold clients through management portfolios.

To provide a quality service that offers residents value for money. To be transparent and to provide honest communication with all parties. Most importantly, to never forget we are looking after your home and your investment.

We know and use independent local contractors and specialist tradesmen. All contractors hold appropriate liability insurance and are expected to provide a reliable, prompt service where they produce quality work at competitive rates. Upstix does not accept any rebates or commission as we feel this is clear conflict of interest.

Upstix can help with future capital planning the right way. We will work with a local surveyor to carry out a condition survey of the property to plan for major works well in advance. Planning in advance means that if the lease allows, funds can be saved accordingly so that leaseholders are not provided with large, unexpected demands.

Upstix understands the importance of managing your money transparently and therefore all monies are held in an independent client account for each site. Through our computer systems we can produce itemised expenditure reports so that we can compare expenditure to budgeted figures. Our systems allow us to easily check arrears, and these are promptly chased and if required action is taken through solicitors or debt recovery companies.

Upstix follows the RICS code of practice, and our property managers are qualified and established so you can be assured to receive a professional standard of service.